Andy Signore, the creator of Screen Junkies’ “Honest Trailers,” has settled a lawsuit against Defy Media challenging his firing for alleged sexual misconduct.
Signore was one of the first figures to lose his job in the aftermath of the Harvey Weinstein harassment revelations in October 2017. Defy Media, which then owned Screen Junkies, terminated him on Oct. 8 for a pattern of “egregious and intolerable behavior.” Signore fired back in a lawsuit in August 2018, in which he vowed to clear his name.
Signore’s attorney dismissed the suit on Monday, following a notice of settlement. The terms were not disclosed.
On Twitter, Signore has repeatedly said he is barred from discussing the facts of the situation while the suit is pending. He has also promised to speak up more fully at the appropriate time.
“Don’t assume I don’t want to — I will when I can,” he wrote on Aug. 31.
“I will speak up even more honestly when I’m legally able to, but my lawsuit against DEFY is more important, because it is for my family,” he said on March 15.
Defy Media sold Screen Junkies to Fandom in July 2018. The company’s creditors froze its assets in November 2018, causing the company to lay off its remaining employees and cease operations.