“The Wolf Hour,” a psychological thriller starring Naomi Watts and Jennifer Ehle, has been picked up for North America by Brainstorm Media. HanWay Films has also closed sales for a host of European and Asian territories.
Directed by Alistair Banks Griffin, “The Wolf Hour” features Oscar-nominated Watts as June, a former countercultural celebrity who lives as a recluse in New York’s South Bronx in the late 1970s. Outside, the city is on edge, with the Son of Sam killer on the loose and the July 13, 1977, riot over an electricity blackout about to erupt. June’s world starts to unravel when an invisible tormentor begins to crack her defenses.
Other cast members are Ehle (“Pride and Prejudice”), Kelvin Harrison Jr., Emory Cohen, Brennan Brown, and Jeremy Bobb.
Banks Griffin’s debut feature film, “Two Gates of Sleep,” played in Cannes’ Directors’ Fortnight in 2010. “The Wolf Hour” is produced by Brian Kavanaugh-Jones and Bailey Conway Anglewicz from Automatik, along with Bradley Pilz under Bradley Pilz productions. Felipe Dieppa and Taryn Nagle are exec producers for The Big Picture Company with Linda Moran of Belladonna Productions and Fred Berger of Automatik.
Brainstorm Media plans to release “The Wolf Hour” in North America in the fall. “Naomi Watts gives a riveting performance in this tense thriller. We are very excited to bring this movie to U.S. theaters nationwide,” said Michelle Shwarzstein, Brainstorm’s resident of marketing and acquisitions.
HanWay, which is handling international sales and distribution, has also closed sales with DDDream (China), Klockworx (Japan), Shaw (Singapore), UPHE Content Group (Latin America, Benelux, Iceland, Italy, Scandinavia, Spain, Eastern Europe, Israel, Middle East, Australia & NZ, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, South Korea, Taiwan), Odeon (Greece), NOS Lusomundo (Portugal), Fabula (Turkey) and Discovery (former Yugoslavia).