DRG has taken the international rights to “My Grandparents’ War,” the upcoming documentary series in which Hollywood actors retrace the footsteps of their grandparents in World War II. Kristin Scott Thomas (“The English Patient”) and Mark Rylance (“Bridge of Spies”) have already filmed their stories, which took them to locations in Asia and Europe, including the beaches of Dunkirk.
The producers said the actors taking part have unanswered questions about the scars war left on their grandparents and will explore how six years changed the lives of their family and the world. In each episode, the actors will learn about the life and death decisions their grandparents faced.
The series was commissioned by British broadcaster Channel 4 and, having snagged the rights, U.K.-based distributor DRG will be selling it internationally. Indie producer Wild Pictures is making the series, which bows later this year.
“We are delighted to be working alongside DRG and look forward to the reception our series receives on the international market,” said Tom Anstiss, executive producer at Wild Pictures. “It’s a privilege to work with such talented people as Kristin Scott Thomas, Mark Rylance and the two other award-winning actors we are currently filming with.”
Mette Kanne-Behrendsen, DRG’s SVP of acquisitions, acquired the series for DRG. “Such a unique and considered approach to this global event, coupled with the 80th anniversary in September, is sure to make this extraordinary series a must have title for any broadcaster or platform looking to commemorate the start of World War II,” she said.