Drama film, “Dad’s Suit” was named the best narrative feature at the Taipei Film Awards. “Last Year When the Train Passed,” directed by Huang Pang-Chuan, was the winner of the overall grand prize and the best short film award.
The awards were presented at Taipei’s Zhongshan Hall, on Saturday.
A story of deteriorating health, hope and family relations, directed by Hung Po-hao, “Suit” also collected awards for best cinematography, best actor and best supporting actress. It premiered last year at the Golden Horse festival and had its commercial release in Taiwan in March this year. The awards jury acknowledged the film’s “very limited budget. But said that the picture managed to “convey exquisite and authentic emotions that linger in the mind.”
There were joint winners in the best actress category. The 82-year-old veteran Lily Yin-shan split the prize with relative youngster the 26-year-old Lee Yi-shieh, for their respective roles in “A Trip With Mom” and “Wild Sparrow.”
Art-house star Tsai Ming-liang collected the best director and best documentary prizes for his “Your Face.” His film also earned Ryuichi Sakamoto the best composer prize. “Abstract sounds across the boundary between music and sound effects expand our perspective through ears, enrich our imagination, extend psychological time, and elevate visual works to another level,” said a jury statement.
Mickey Chen, a pioneer of gay cinema who died in the past year, was posthumously honored.
2019 Taipei Film Awards Winners
Grand Prize: “Last Year When the Train Passed By”
Best Narrative Feature: “Dad’s Suit”
Best Documentary: “Your Face”
Best Short Film: “Last Year When the Train Passed By”
Best Animation: “Where Am I Going?”
Best Director: Tsai Ming-liang, “Your Face”
Best Screenplay: Lin Hao-pu, “3 Days 2 Nights”
Best Actor: Xiao Hu Dou, “Dad’s Suit”
Best Actress: Liu Yin-shan, A Trip With Mom; Lee Yi-chieh, “Wild Sparrow”
Best Supporting Actor: Lin Ho-hsuan, “Secrets in the Hot Spring”
Best Supporting Actress: Phoebe Huang, “Dad’s Suit”
Best New Talent: Tsai Jia-yin, “Heavy Craving”
Best Cinematography: Chou I-wen, “Dad’s Suit”
Best Editing: Hshih Meng-ju, “The Devil Fish”
Best Music: Ryuichi Sakamoto, “Your Face”
Best Art Design: Hhuang Yun-sian, “Where Am I Going?”
Best Makeup & Costume Design: Eleven Chen, “Secrets in the Hot Spring”
Best Sound Design: Tu Duu-chih, Chiang Yi-chen, “Cities of Last Things”
Best Visual Effects: MoonShine VFX, “The Scoundrels”
Award for Outstanding Artistic Contribution: (Action Choreography) Scott Hung, “The Scoundrels”
Yang Shih-chi Outstanding Contribution Award: Mickey Chen.