Walter Presents has acquired Swedish thriller “Stockholm Requiem” for the U.K. and Australia from ZDF Enterprises. It marks the fourth Swedish drama series the global on-demand service, which specialises in non-English language drama, has picked up from ZDF following “Blue Eyes,” “Thicker Than Water” and “Before We Die.”
Walter Iuzzolino, co-founder and curator of the service, said “Stockholm Requiem” was “Everything you want in a Scandi Noir and more. Quintessential viewing for anyone who likes beautifully shot drama and a plot line that will keep you guessing.”
“Stockholm Requiem” stars Liv Mjönes as an unconventional criminologist and new civilian recruit to the police force, as she joins a less than welcoming special investigations unit and is thrown in at the deep end of a difficult case. Jonas Karlsson and Alexej Manvelov co-star.
The 10-part drama is based on the best-selling trilogy of novels by Kristina Ohlsson and adapted by Jörgen Hjerdt and Pauline Wolff. It is produced by Black Spark Film & TV/Kärnfilm, in co-production with C More/TV4, ZDF, ZDF Enterprises, Nice Drama, Chimney Pot, Film Capital Stockholm, Benelux’s Lunanime, in collaboration with Co Made.