India’s Amara Raja Group is getting into TV. It is launching a new content division with thriller series “Curse of the Kohinoor,” which will be directed by Colin Teague, whose credits include “Dr Who” and its spin-off “Torchwood.”
Amara Raja is an India-based industrial corporation that works across sectors including automotive, food, and electrical products. Its newly-created media and entertainment division will be based in Hyderabad, India, and London, England.
The new content player has pacted with Star Entertainment Worldwide, producer of the Indian version of the “Biggest Loser” format, and Bobby Bedi’s Contentflow Studios, on “Curse of the Kohinoor.”
The heist thriller series tells the story of a plot to steal the Kohinoor diamond, centerpiece of the British Crown Jewels. The series will intertwine the history of the iconic diamond with the story of the robbery attempt.
“Working with producers and broadcasters from across the globe, our company has bold ambitions to create premium scripted series for the Indian and global marketplace,” said Padma Galla, director of Amara Raja Media and Entertainment.
“We are bringing the very best talent from the Indian and UK scripted worlds together in this premium production for the international market,” added Star Entertainment’s Rahul Aggarwal.