Acclaimed Brazilian director Fernando Meirelles said Tuesday that his next film will be another project for Netflix, like his current film, “The Two Popes.”
The new feature will be a drama about climate change, Meirelles (“City of God”) told a masterclass at the Mumbai Film Festival, where “The Two Popes” is screening. “I’m not going to tell what the film will be, but hopefully it will be shot in September, and it will be a Netflix project,” said Meirelles, who is also executive producer on U.N.-backed documentary “The Great Green Wall,” which premiered at Venice this year.
“People don’t like to read or talk about climate crisis, because it is quite scary,” Meirelles added. “The challenge is to make a film that is watchable and that engages people. I think it is coming out quite nice.”
The film has some sequences set in Bangladesh that Meirelles plans to shoot in India.
Meirelles’ masterclass was preceded by the India premiere of “The Two Popes,” a Netflix film about Pope Benedict XVI and his successor, Pope Francis. It features Oscar-buzz performances by Anthony Hopkins and Jonathan Pryce. The Mumbai audience gave the film with a standing ovation.
Meirelles also received the festival’s award for international excellence in cinema.