“The Supernatural Academy” book series is being adapted as an animated series. 41 Entertainment, the producer behind the “Pac-Man” and “Skylanders” animated shows, has taken global rights to the hit books by Jaymin Eve. It marks 41 Entertainment’s first move into the red-hot young-adult space.
“The Supernatural Academy” series is set in the eponymous institution, where shape shifters, vampires, and magic users are educated. It follows Maddison James, who has been living in the human world and unaware she has supernatural powers, as she is taken to a magic school against her will.
“I could not be happier to see my work on the screen in animation, and I am thrilled to partner with 41E, who have shown such interest in the characters and worlds that I created,” said Eve.
“Based on the continued success of YA live-action series, it is clear that young adults love the genre,” said Kiersten Halstead, VP of acquisitions, development and production at 41 Entertainment. “With our animation expertise, we are confident that stories about shape shifters, vampires, witchcraft and magic can best be told in high-quality CG animation.”
41 Entertainment has also bagged rights to related series “Supernatural Prison.” Company founder and series exec producer Allen Bohbot said: “There are so many stories to be told based on these characters.”
“The Supernatural Academy” CG animation series will be ready for fall of 2021.