In today’s TV news roundup, Quibi greenlights a new comedy directed by Bobby and Peter Farrelly, and Showtime premiered the trailer for its upcoming comedy “Work In Progress.”
Quibi has commissioned “The Now,” a new comedy that will be directed by Bobby Farrelly and Peter Farrelly and star Dave Franco. The show will examine what makes life worth living, following Franco’s character, Ed Poole, who receives some clarity after a secret from his past has seemingly destroyed his future. He soon realizes the only thing that will make his life worth living is to forget the past, screw the future and just live in the titular now. The show is produced by Anonymous Content.
Showtime has debuted the trailer for its upcoming comedy “Work In Progress.“ Created by Abby McEnany and Tim Mason and co-written by Lilly Wachowski, the half-hour series follows McEnany as a 45-year-old self-identified fat, queer dyke from Chicago whose misfortune and despair unexpectedly lead her to a vibrantly transformative relationship. The show premieres Dec. 8.
Fathom Events will bring eight “Friends” Thanksgiving-themed episodes to movie theaters across the U.S. in an event aptly named Friendsgiving as part of its continued celebration of the show’s 25th anniversary. Taking place Nov. 24-25, each day will feature four unique episodes that have been newly remastered in 4K from the original 35mm camera negative.