Leading Russian animation company Riki Group, home of brands such as “Kikoriki” and “BabyRiki,” has acquired Aeroplane Prods., the producer of cartoon franchise “The Fixies.”
In Berlin, Riki Group is selling “Finnick,” a feature film about a mischievous furry creature who plays pranks on the family who lives in his house. The company’s stand is part of the Created in Moscow group at the European Film Market.
Following the Aeroplane purchase, Riki Group general producer Ilya Popov’s role will expand to encompass the enlarged group, while Georgiy Vasilyev, founder of Aeroplane, will segue to become the creative producer of Aeroplane’s major animation projects.
The deal is in line with Riki’s overall growth strategy, and follows the acquisition of the “Tina & Tony” brand through its purchase of a stake in Digital Television Company — whose TV channels include Mult and Mama.
Aeroplane, set up in 2005, is one of Russia’s leading animation companies. “The Fixies,” its flagship franchise, is about tiny human-like creatures who keep our technological world running smoothly. In addition to the series, the Fixies have starred in two movies — “The Fixies: Top Secret” (2017) and “Fixies vs. Crabots” (2019). The TV rights for the series have been sold to more than 80 countries.
Popov said: “Since 2011, Riki Group’s assistance helped to establish and monetize ‘The Fixies’ brand. At the start of the project our company invested $3 million into the production of the series and the brand. In a considerably short time the series has been a huge success both in Russia and internationally, making a significant contribution to the creative industry.”