Quibi, the short-form video platform set to launch on April 6, has debuted a trailer for new series “&Music.” Featuring the likes of Ariana Grande, J Balvin, Ozzy Osbourne, Martin Garrix and YG, among others, the series looks at specific aspects of music-making and performance from the point of view of those who work with the stars to create. These “unsung artists” include lighting directors, choreographers, audio engineers and songwriters.
“&Music” is produced by OBB Pictures & Goodstory Entertainment; Michael D Ratner, Scott Ratner, Elias Tanner, Scooter Braun, Allison Kaye, Scott Manson, JD Roth, Adam Greener, Candice Dragonas, Harrison Macks and JP Stiles serve as executive producers. Episodes planned include:
Light & Music: light director and creative director Gabe Fraboni and successful DJ Martin Garrix.
Dance & Music: choreographers and creative directors Scott and Brian Nicholson and Ariana Grande.
Mind & Music: Spiritual guide and mentor Ramiro Agudelo Ramiro Agudelo and J Balvin.
Audio & Music: Mix engineer Derek Ali aka MixedByAli and YG.
Style & Music: Fashion stylist Jasmine Benjamin and Anderson.Paak.
Writing & Music: Songwriter-producer-guitarist Andrew Watt and Ozzy Osbourne.
Watch the minute-long trailer below.
Quibi announced that there will be 50 shows available to subscribers at launch. Co-founders Jeffrey Katzenberg and Meg Whitman, the former head of eBay, have raised $1.75 billion to fund its content.
A 90-day free trial is available for viewers who sign up on the Quibi website before April 6. The service’s monthly rate is set at $4.99 (with ads) and $7.99 (no ads). Overall, it plans to release 175 original shows and 8,500 episodes in the first year.
Quibi’s programming includes “Movies in Chapters,” which are feature-length films cut down to episodes that are 7-10 minutes long; unscripted and documentary series; and Daily Essentials shows, quick bites of news, entertainment and lifestyle programming about 5-6 minutes long.