Netflix has canceled “Turn Up Charlie” after its first season. The comedy, starring Idris Elba, centered on a struggling DJ and bachelor who becomes a nanny for the daughter of a childhood best friend who has since become much more successful than him.
“’Turn Up Charlie’ will not return for a second season,” said a Netflix spokesperson. “We’re especially grateful to star and executive producer Idris Elba, who turned his passion for DJing into a witty, heart-warming comedy series. We’re also thankful to executive producers Gary Reich and Tristram Shapeero and co-executive producers Martin Joyce and Ana Garanito, along with the dedicated cast and crew, for bringing this story to life on Netflix. We look forward to continuing our relationship with Idris on future projects.”
Elba and Reich co-created the show, with Elba’s Green Door Pictures and Reich’s Brown Eyed Boy Productions producing the eight-part series.