An untitled animated prequel to the “Transformers” franchise is in the works at Paramount Pictures and Hasbro’s eOne with “Toy Story 4” director Josh Cooley.
Screenwriting partners Andrew Barrer and Gabriel Ferrari have written the script for the untitled project, while Paramount Animation and eOne will develop and produce the film. The film is in early stages of development. After winning an Oscar for “Toy Story 4,” Cooley is attached to direct, and producers are expected to be Lorenzo di Bonaventura and Mark Vahradian.
The new film will be the seventh “Transformers” movie. Michael Bay directed the first five blockbuster movies, which generated $4 billion at the worldwide box office for Paramount. Bay’s run concluded with the release of 2017’s “Transformers: The Last Knight.” The studio then revamped the franchise with 2018’s prequel film “Bumblebee,” directed by Travis Knight with Hailee Steinfeld starring. The series is based on the popular Transformers toy line — produced by Hasbro and Takara — featuring the long-running battles between the Autobots and the evil Decepticons.
Cooley won the Oscar in the animated feature category for “Toy Story 4” along with Jonas Rivera and Mark Nielsen in February. It was the 10th Pixar title to take an Oscar since the category was created in 2001. Cooley was nominated for the original screenplay Oscar for 2015’s “Inside Out.”
Barrer and Ferrari were the credited writers on “Ant-Man and the Wasp.” Cooley is represented by CAA, Grandview, and Jackoway Austen Tyerman. Barrer and Ferrari are represented by 3 Arts and Felker Toczek. The news was first reported by Deadline Hollywood.