Haruma Miura, a Japanese actor known for his roles in the “Attack on Titan” films and “Kimi ni Todoke,” has died, according to Kyodo News and other local reports. He was 30.
Kyodo News reported that the actor was found in his Tokyo home on Saturday and was later pronounced dead upon arriving at a hospital. Investigative sources and police believe that Miura died by suicide, although the cause of death has not been officially confirmed.
Miura’s management company Amuse Inc. said in a statement to Kyodo News that they are awaiting more details.
“To fans and people concerned, we apologize for the worry and the inconvenience caused, but as to details, we are still confirming and will inform you once again,” Amuse Inc. wrote.
Miura began his career in acting in 1997 in the NHK television drama “Agri,” and scored his first leading role in 2006 in the film “Catch a Wave.” He went on to play significant parts in movies such as “Kimi ni Todoke” in 2010, “Tokyo Park” in 2011, two “Attack on Titan” films, and “Little Nights, Little Love” in 2019. He continued to be active in television as well, most recently starring in “Yonimo Kimyona Monogatari Haru no Tokubetsu-hen” on Fuji TV and “Gift of Fire” on NHK.
Miura was also successful in theater, playing Lola in the Japanese adaptation of “Kinky Boots” in 2016, which won him the Haruko Sugimara Award. He had also recently begun a music career, having released a single in 2019 titled “Fight For Your Heart.” His latest project, “The Confidence Man JP: The Movie 2,” is set to release in Japan on July 23.
If you or anyone you know is having thoughts of suicide, please call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255 or go to SpeakingOfSuicide.com/resources.