“Blindspot” aired the final episode of its impressive five-season run last night to unspectacular numbers. Fox’s “Celebrity Watch Party” also failed it impress with its finale.
The last ever edition of “Blindspot” scored a 0.3 rating among adults 18-49, which does represent a slight tick up from the penultimate episode. However, only 1.7 million viewers tuned in to see how Sullivan Stapleton and company’s story would end, which is inn fact slightly down in last week, and represents a viewership low for its fifth and final season. Preceding the finale was a replay of “Ellen’s Game of Games,” which scored a 0.4 rating and 2.7 million viewers. A “Law & Order: SVU” replay closed off the night for NBC with a 0.2 rating and 1.8 million viewers.
Meanwhile on Fox, the season 1 curtain call for “Celebrity Watch Party” came in at a 0.3 rating and 1.4 million total viewers, which is almost exactly even on the previous episode on both metrics. Following that, a “Beat Shazam” rerun scored the same rating and 1.3 million viewers.
Univision was the top network on the night overall with a 0.5 average rating. Episodes of “Te Doy La Vida” and “Como Tu No Hay Dos” led both scored 0.5, while a new edition of “Medicos” scored a 0.4.
CBS aired only replays on Thursday night, with “Young Sheldon” top scoring at a 0.5 rating and just over 4 million total viewers. A “Unicorn” and back-to-back “Mom” reruns all delivered a 0.4 rating and around 3 million viewers each. An “NCIS: Los Angeles” replay came in last with a 0.3 and 2.7 million viewers.
ABC also didn’t air any original episodes, as a “Holey Moley” rerun led the network with a 0.5 rating and 2.6 million viewers. “Don’t” and “To Tell The Truth” both followed that up with a 0.4.
Finally on the CW, “Killer Camp” aired its second episode even on last week’s premiere at a 0.1 rating and 430,000 viewers. Two “Masters of Illusion” replays also scored a 0.1 in the 9 and 9:30 p.m. slots.