Since the Senate hearing began at 10 a.m. ET, celebrities have taken to social media to offer their support to Christine Blasey Ford as she gave her testimony against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. Ford has accused him of sexually assaulting her at a high school party in 1982, and other women have since come forward with allegations against Kavanaugh. Public figures like #MeToo founder Tarana Burke and director Ava DuVernay have expressed their admiration of Ford’s bravery on social media, with hashtags like #WeBelieveDrFord and #WeBelieveSurvivors.
“Listening to this women’s voice shake as she pushes through this moment…my heart,” Burke tweeted, along with a broken heart emoji.
“The inhumanity of it all,” DuVernay said, in response to a picture of the all white, all male panel.
“Women are watching. And we vote,” actress Alyssa Milano tweeted. She was among #MeToo’s most outspoken supporters.
See more reactions to the testimony below.