British Academy of Film and Television Arts has announced the 2020 participants of its Newcomers Program. The program expanded to New York for the first time in its history and accepted a record number of first-year female participants.
The initiative to support emerging industry professionals boasts international talent from 20 countries – the U.K., Australia, China, France, Hungary, India, Israel, Italy, Kenya, Mexico, New Zealand, Nigeria, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Russia, Singapore, South Africa, Spain and Turkey.
With 41 new members joining the four-year program, there will be 98 participants, including actors, directors, producers, screenwriters, composers, cinematographers, executives, art directors, production designers, animators, editors and publicists.
“For over 10 years, the BAFTA Newcomers Program has supported hundreds of industry talents making the move to Los Angeles, connecting them to a network of peers and with a program of career support,” said BAFTA Los Angeles chair Kathryn Busby and New York chair Maria Ishak. “We are delighted that this year’s expansion of the program to New York also reflects our strongest year yet for female representation, comprising 78% of our new participants. As our industry continues to adapt to the extraordinary impact of the pandemic, it is as vital as ever to support those who have recently transitioned their careers to the U.S. by welcoming them into BAFTA’s community.”
Every participant will receive access to BAFTA membership programs and new talent events for career development and transition to living and working in the U.S. The program also includes networking opportunities, peer matching and educational programming including the BAFTA briefing sessions and insights series.