As the United States transitions under a new presidency, the 10-day People’s Inauguration kicks off Jan. 21 and calls on everyday people to commit to reimagining and rebuilding the country.
“In the wake of violence, insurrection and white supremacist terror, we are coming together to make our commitment to building a multi-racial America where we are all safe and free,” activist Valarie Kaur said, who is leading the event with partners Amplifier, the Revolutionary Love Project, Dream Corps and Sounds True.
Virtual conversations, vigils and performances will feature activists and celebrities, including America Ferrera, Debra Messing, Florence Pugh and Rosario Dawson. Modeled after the presidential oath in the Constitution, the People’s Inauguration oath encourages participants to understand their roles in healing and defending the nation.
“This work belongs to us, the people,” Kaur said. “Only we can bring our communities together, tend our wounds and begin the labor of reckoning, reimagining and remaking our nation block-by-block, heart-to-heart. Each of us has a role in building the country we could become, and we will only succeed if we lead with the ethic of love. The People’s Inauguration is a collective step to transition our nation.”
In addition to being a seasoned civil rights activist, Kaur is a lawyer, filmmaker and founder of the Revolutionary Love Project. She will host a teaching series over the 10 days that brings to life her popular 2017 TED Talk and book, “See No Stranger: A Memoir and Manifesto of Revolutionary Love.”
The People’s Inauguration begins Thursday at 12 p.m. ET. and can be watched on its website or social media livestreams.