B Good Picture Company has wrapped filming on documentary “The Good Drug,” which delves into our historical, societal and scientific relationship with psychedelic substances. The film is being directed by Joe Stephenson, who produced and directed “McKellen: Playing the Part,” a feature documentary on the life and work of Ian McKellen.
“The Good Drug” explores the new discoveries being made about the historical uses of psychedelics and the modern renaissance of clinical research for their therapeutic properties for a host of mental health problems.
The film will analyse evidence from experts across the fields of neuroscience, archeology, philosophy and psychiatry “allowing the audience to decide for themselves, when presented with the facts, whether psychedelics have the potential to be good,” according to a statement. Among those featured in the documentary are David Nutt, Anil Seth, Andy Letcher, Diana Stein, Peter Sjöstedt-Hughes and David Luke.
Stephenson said: “Many have misconceived ideas about psychedelic substances, thanks in large part to politically motivated fear campaigns, not based on scientific evidence. With the exciting modern day research revealing how these substances are not only non-toxic and non-addictive, but can also help people with a variety of mental health issues, now is the time to correct the public perception, in an accessible and entertaining way.”
The film is produced by Stephenson and Liam Coutts for B Good Picture Company, the London film and TV production outfit known for the drama “Chicken” and “McKellen: Playing the Part.”
Stephenson is repped by Jessica Sykes at the U.K.’s Independent Talent Group.