“Infinite,” a sci-fi thriller starring Mark Wahlberg and directed by Antoine Fuqua, will arrive on Paramount Plus in time for summer. The film is scheduled to release on June 6.
Originally set to premiere theatrically in August, Paramount announced earlier in May that “Infinite” would skip the big screen and debut directly on its budding streaming service. The move was made in a bid to boost subscribers and fashion a serious rival to Netflix, Disney Plus and HBO Max. The service, which was rebranded and relaunched in March, currently has 36 million global paid streaming users.
Based on the 2009 novel “The Reincarnationist Papers,” “Infinite” centers on Evan McCauley (Wahlberg), who is haunted by memories of skills he has never learned and places he has never visited. After encountering a secret group that call themselves “Infinites,” he discovers that his memories are real — but they are from multiple past lives. As he’s invited into their world, he finds himself in a race against time to save humanity from one of their own, who seeks to end all life to stop what he views as the cursed, endless cycle of reincarnation.
Chiwetel Ejiofor, Sophie Cookson, Jason Mantzoukas, Rupert Friend, Toby Jones and Dylan O’Brien co-star. Ian Shorr wrote the screenplay from a story by Todd Stein.
In addition to directing, Fuqua executive produced the film with Rafi Crohn, Brian Oliver, Bradley J. Fischer and Valerii An. Wahlberg served as a producer with Lorenzo di Bonaventura, Mark Vahradian, Mark Huffam, John Zaozirny and Stephen Levinson.