Space exploration drama, “First Man” opened on Thursday and moon landed in top spot of the South Korean box office. The UPI release earned $3.48 million from 423,200 admissions over its four opening days.
Korean drama, “Dark Figure of Crime” slipped to second from the previous weekend’s top spot. The Showbox release earned $2.46 million from 311,600 admissions between Friday and Sunday for a total of $26.4 million after three weekends on release.
Sony’s “Venom” took third place, earning $1.88 million between Friday and Sunday. That gave it a three-weekend total of $28.6 million from 3.67 million admissions.
Incurring only a modest week-on-week drop of 11%, Korean drama “Miss Baek” took fourth. The Little Big Pictures release earned $1.13 million between Friday and Sunday for a total of $3.45 million after two weekends.
“A Star is Born” slipped to fifth from the previous weekend’s fourth. The Warner Bros. title earned $470,000 for $2.09 million after two weekends. Walt Disney’s “Christopher Robin” earned $237,000 between Friday and Sunday for a total of $3.41 million after three weekends.
Next Entertainment World’s long running holiday movie, “The Great Battle” earned $165,000 over the weekend and extended its five-weekend total to $40.9 million.