Freeform has renewed the drama “Motherland: Fort Salem” for a third and final season ahead of the second season’s finale on Tuesday. The series, written and created by Eliot Laurence (“Claws,” “The Big Gay Sketch Show”), stars Taylor Hickson, Jessica Sutton, Ashley Nicole Williams, Amalia Holm, Demetria McKinney and Lyne Renée.
“We’re excited to bring ‘Motherland: Fort Salem’ back for a third season,” Freeform President Tara Duncan said in a statement. “I am grateful to Eliot and the entire ‘Motherland’ team. They have created a truly immersive mythology that has resonated with fans since day one, and I know this last chapter will continue to deliver.”
“Motherland: Fort Salem” follows three young women from basic training in combat magic to the terror of early deployment. In this world, the traditional roles of gender and power are flipped, with women on the frontlines.
“Every time we get to dive back into the world of ‘Motherland: Ford Salem,’ it’s a pleasure and an honor,” Laurence added. “I can’t wait to bring season three to the world. We plan to ramp up the insane stakes of the finale with an epic, scary, satisfying ride, all the while getting deeper into witch’s ancient origins. We are so grateful to Freeform for the opportunity, and to our fans — your love is palpable, wait till you see what we have in store.”
Season 2 saw the witches confront a new threat from an ancient group of witch hunters, the Camarilla. Reluctantly working with the Spree, the trio’s training intensified while their magic, relationships and beliefs were pushed to the limits. “Motherland: Fort Salem” is executive produced by Laurence, Will Ferrell, Adam McKay, Kevin Messick and Amanda Tapping.