“Ray and Manny,” “Witch’s Business” and “Worldoscope” feature among the five animation projects chosen for the 2nd Women Animation Directors Mentoring Program, run by Ventana Sur’s Animation!
Launched with the aim to boost gender parity and build a more equitable and diverse animation industry, the initiative has been launched in alliance with the Annecy Festival’s MIFA market, Argentina’s Institut Français and, for the first time, the Quirino Ibero-American Animation Awards.
Five projects will have access to a training program focused on production, scriptwriting and pitching techniques starting in early 2022. After training is completed, one selected project will participate at MIFA 2022.
And these are the projects unveiled today in Buenos Aires at Ventana Sur:
“Ray And Manny”
Directed and produced by Rafaela de Abreu at Brazil’s Estudio Paulares an edutainment preschool series comprising 26 episodes. Mixing cut out and 2D techniques, the show follows siblings Ray, whose main goal is to become a great influencer, and Manny, who likes nothing better than to play videogames and play pranks on the inhabitants of the jungle. To be made in a mockumentary style, each episode will center on issues such as social interaction, hygiene, bullying, catfish or prejudice.
“Witch’s Business”
Produced by Paulina Sanhueza at Chile’s Gigante Azul, a comedy-adventure to be directed by Alejandra Jaramillo who served as a stop motion animator on the Zumbástico-produced “Puerto Papel” and directed animated short “Halahaches.” “Witch’s Business” is a 13-episode 2D show showing concern for climate change and environmental decline, aimed at 6-14s. It follows Mai and Effy, who see how the barrier that separates their parallel worlds of Earth and Magicland collapses after a failed spell caused by them and pollution begins to diminish the powers of Magical beings.
A 26-episode show produced by Karina Fuentes at Argentina’s Moco Studio and directed by stop-motion animator and director Ana Martín, whose credits include animated short “Float.” Targeting 7-9s, the series presents funny and bizarre microbe universes, unveiled by a powerful magnifying glass. Lactobacillus, tardigrades, amoeba and paramecium will be the main characters of “Worldscope” personified to be able to star in small absurdist stories. The series blends multiple techniques – stop motion, pixilation, claymation and 3D.
A five-episode mystery adventure series produced and directed by Uruguayan Macarena Campos, “Oniria” depicts Oni’s internal journey through her subconscious to discover what’s keeping her from waking up, a journey that will take her deep into her demons, emotions, and strengths to eventually find the answer why she can’t wake up from her dreams. Conceived to allow children to deal better with their fears, whether guilt, getting sick, change and loss, it targeted children 7 and upwards and will be made in 2D. Campos has directed short “Por amor” and has credits in video games development.
“Kitty Eight”
To be directed by Grace Cárdenas – who formed part of Denmark’s Andean Animation Project Accelerator – the show weighs in as a cut-out 26-episode edutainment show for preschoolers. Produced by Peru’s Bicicleta Casa Audiovisual, it follows a kitten living in a magical notebook in which each page unfolds a new adventure where Kitty Eight learns from the world, dealing with situations helped by a faithful crayon. Lima-based Bicicleta Casa Audiovisual was founded by the director and Rebeca Venegas.
The inaugural Women Mentorship program was presented as a success case during the Women’ Summit organized by Women in Animation at Annecy this year. Projects selected last year – “Highlands Shadow,” “Condenaditos,” “Greta’s Journal,” “Flavor Quest,” and “Future Woman,”– are being pitched at this year’s Animation! at Ventana Sur.
Ventana Sur runs Nov. 29–Dec.3.