Actor Chris Noth has been accused of sexual assault by two women. The “Law & Order” and “Sex and the City” star has denied the allegations, asserting that the encounters were consensual.
“The accusations against me made by individuals I met years, even decades, ago are categorically false,” Noth said in a prepared statement. “These stories could’ve been from 30 years ago or 30 days ago — no always means no — that is a line I did not cross. The encounters were consensual. It’s difficult not to question the timing of these stories coming out. I don’t know for certain why they are surfacing now, but I do know this: I did not assault these women.”
Noth has recently been in the pop culture zeitgeist, as the much-awaited revival of “Sex and the City,” HBO Max’s “And Just Like That” premiered last week. He is also a regular on the CBS drama series “The Equalizer.” On “And Just Like That,” Noth’s Mr. Big was at the center of the show’s biggest storyline, making headlines around the world. Following a shocking development for the character in the first episode, Noth starred in a much-applauded Peleton advertisement, produced by Ryan Reynolds’s Maximum Effort marketing company.
In a detailed report by The Hollywood Reporter, Noth is accused of sexual assault by two separate women, who spoke anonymously to the publication in order to protect their privacy. The women, who do not know each other, spoke under the pseudonyms Zoe, now 40, and Lily, now 31. Both women told THR that the renewed attention in Noth with “And Just Like That” brought up painful memories, prompting them to come forward with their stories. Lily first reached out to THR in August, and Zoe first spoke to the magazine in October.
Zoe, who still works in the entertainment industry and is alleging rape, told THR that her assault occurred in 2004 in Los Angeles. Lily, who now works as a journalist, said she was assaulted by Noth in 2015 in New York City.
After graduating college in 2004, Zoe, who was 22-years-old at the time, moved to Los Angeles and was working an entry-level entertainment job where Noth and other celebrities regularly conducted business. Zoe told the publication that Noth would walk by her desk and flirt with her and leave messages on her work phone. Her former boss at this firm corroborated this behavior to THR, and said she thought it was odd that Noth, much older and at the height of his “Sex and the City” fame, took interest in her younger employee, but she did not find it alarming.
Per the report, Noth invited Zoe to the pool at his apartment building in West Hollywood. In his apartment, Zoe alleges North kissed her as she stepped through the door and she “tentatively kissed back,” according to THR, which writes that Noth “then pulled her toward him, moved her toward the bed, pulled off her shorts and bikini bottom, and began to rape her from behind.”
A friend of Zoe’s anonymously corroborated the alleged attack to THR, saying that the two went to Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles to say she had been assaulted, but did not mention Noth’s name out of fear of retaliation from a celebrity.
Lily, who was 25-years-old at the time, told THR she met Noth, then 60-years-old, when she was a server in the VIP section at the New York nightclub No. 8. “I was truly star-struck,” Lily told the publication. “He was hitting on me, for sure. I was flattered. I knew he was married, which is shameful of me to admit.”
Noth got her number, asked her out and they went to dinner at Il Cantinori, a restaurant featured on “Sex in the City” as the venue of Carrie Bradshaw’s (Sarah Jessica Parker) 30th birthday party. Per the report, when they arrived, the kitchen had already closed and they had wine at the bar, while discussing the third “SATC” movie and Lily’s career trajectory. Lily told THR she had “too much to drink, though she was nowhere near blacking out.” As a fan of Noth, she explained to THR she was having an “out-of-body experience” on the date.
After leaving the restaurant, the two went to Noth’s Greenwich Village apartment around the corner and drank whiskey.
“He tried to make out with me. I cautiously entertained it,” Lily told THR. “He’s older and looked older. He kept trying and trying and trying, and I should have said no more firmly and left. And then the next thing I knew, he pulled down his pants and he was standing in front of me.”
One of Lily’s friends told THR that she remembers getting a call after the alleged incident, and suggested to call the police, but Lily did not want to. The friend claims she listened to a voicemail from Noth after that night where he allegedly said, “Hey, hope you didn’t take anything wrong last night. We had fun. Just want to make sure you didn’t take it the wrong way.”
THR’s states that the publication reviewed text messages between Noth and Lily, one of which said, “By the way I have to ask did you enjoy our night last week. I thought it was a lot of fun but I wasn’t quite sure how you felt.” Lily text response read, “Hmm…I certainly enjoyed your company. Great conversation. Not to go into specifics over text message, but I did feel slightly used.” Noth asked her out another time, but the two never met again.
Both women state that the alleged sexual incidents took place in front of a mirror.
Noth did not respond to specific details of the accusations beyond his sweeping denial.