“Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist” alum Kapil Talwalkar has joined the “Charmed” reboot’s fourth season on The CW. The Indian American actor, who played Tobin in the NBC musical dramedy and its follow-up special “Zoey’s Extraordinary Christmas” for Roku, has been cast in a recurring role as Dev. The character is described as a handsome, intense and charming “Gandharva,” a magical creature with the power to influence people with his voice.
Showrunners Jeffrey Lieber, Joey Falco and Nicki Renna, all of whom have been involved with the show since its sophomore season, return for the new season. The cast includes returning cast members Melonie Diaz, Sarah Jeffery, Rupert Evans and Jordan Donica. In addition, Lucy Barrett was recently cast as the new “Charmed One.”
Talwalker’s character is based on a mythical and celestial being in Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism. Male Gandharvas are divine singers and females are divine dancers from the Gandhara region. Talwalker’s other TV credits include lending his voice to Nickelodeon’s “The Loud House,” in which he guest stars as Raj. He has also been cast as a series regular in NBC’s upcoming “Night Court” reboot as the character Neil — a reimagined version of the character Mac originally played by the late Charles Robinson. He is repped by Industry Entertainment and SMS Talent.
Season 4 of “Charmed” hails from CBS Studios in association with Propagate Content, and is executive produced by Lieber, Falco and Renna, as well as Kevin Dowling, Jennie Snyder Urman (“Jane the Virgin”), Ben Silverman (“The Office”), Brad Silberling (“Jane the Virgin”), Howard Owens (“You vs. Wild”), Liz Kruger (“Girlfriends’ Guide to Divorce”) and Craig Shapiro (“Salvation”).