Focus Media is set to produce “Eve After The Fall,” a contemporary drama set against the backdrop of the Zagreb earthquake of 2020. The female-driven film will mark the directorial debut of well-known Croatian actor-writer Lana Barić (“Tereza37”).
Named after the titular Rodin sculpture, “Eve After The Fall” is set to star Olga Pakalović (“Halima’s Path”) as Zana, a woman who reevaluates her life after a natural disaster and attempts to start it all over again. Irena Marković is producing the film at Focus Media.
Barić previously wrote and starred in Danilo Šerbedžija’s “Tereza37” (pictured), last year’s official Croatian entry for the Academy Awards’ International Feature Film category.
“Lana has demonstrated that she is a fierce champion of women’s stories,” said Marković. “She is already considered one of the strong new voices of Croatian cinema. Her fresh approach to the stories of women resonates with not only women from the region, but universally.”
Barić has been a member of Croatian National Theatre in Zagreb since 2011 and has performed in more than 40 stage productions and many film and television productions including two previous films produced by Marković, “I Act, I Am,” and “Catalina.” Barić has also penned screenplays for several short films. With “Tereza37,” Barić won the Golden Arena for Best Screenplay at the Pula Film Festival, among other prizes.
Development of “Eve After The Fall” is supported by the Croatian Audiovisual Centre. The film is scheduled to kick off production in the fall and will be filming in and around Zagreb, Croatia’s capital. Marković is currently speaking to co-production partners.
Focus Media’s credits include “Slow Days,” directed by Matija Kluković, “Penelope,” directed by Ben Ferris and “TIR,” directed by Alberto Fasulo.