Showtime has debuted the official trailer for W. Kamau Bell’s four-part documentary series “We Need to Talk About Cosby,” which is set to world premiere at the 2022 Sundance Film Festival this month. Bell, a comedian best known as the host of CNN’s “United Shades of America” and FXX’s short-lived “Totally Biased,” uses the documentary series in part to confront his personal history of idolizing Cosby as a child. Bell unpacks Cosby’s legacy, desire for power and the impact of his disgrace after he was accused of rape, drug-facilitated sexual assault and sexual battery by over 60 women dating back nearly 60 years.
The official “We Need to Talk About Cosby” synopsis from Showtime reads: “Cosby, the renowned comedian, actor, philanthropist and African American icon, who for decades was revered as ‘America’s Dad,’ has gained infamy as a criminal defendant in a sexual-assault prosecution. The series explores the complex story of Cosby’s life and work, weighing his actions against his indisputable global influence through interviews with comedians, cultural commentators, journalists and women who share their most personal, harrowing encounters with Cosby. Through archival footage, Cosby reveals who he may have been all along — the antithesis of the principled, public figure who became a hero, not only to African American people but to all people.”
Showtime adds that the series “offers viewers the chance to reconsider Cosby’s mark in a society where rape culture, toxic masculinity, capitalism and white supremacy are shaping how we re-evaluate sex, power and agency.”
“We Need to Talk About Cosby” will screen at the Sundance Film Festival on Jan. 22, followed by a Showtime debut on Jan. 30 at 10pm ET. All episodes will be available across all Showtime streaming and VOD platforms starting Jan. 30. Watch the official trailer below.