American High has announced its inaugural American High Film Festival, a new film festival set to showcase films told through the lens of high school-aged characters. Filmmakers of all ages have been invited to submit their projects starting Wednesday.
The American High Film Festival will take place at the production company’s flagship studio in Syracuse, N.Y. from Aug. 18 to Aug. 19. Submission categories include narrative short and narrative feature — within comedy, dramedy and horror genres.
In recent years, American High has produced a range of coming-of-age films – including Natalie Morales’ “Plan B,” Josh Friedlander’s “Holly Slept Over” and Jeremy Garelick’s “The Binge.” For the production company’s new film festival, producer Axelle Azoulay (“Aulcie,” “House of Wishes”) has been named director.
“I’m thrilled to announce the first AHFF, which is founded under the same belief as American High: make the next generation of iconic high-school comedies and discover new voices,” said Azoulay, who has worked on American High’s last five productions, in a statement. “Our goal is to nurture and support emerging and established filmmakers, share their creative voices and promote diversity, community outreach and educational opportunities in the Central New York area.”
Garelick, who founded American High in 2017 alongside Mickey Liddell’s LD Entertainment, also expressed his excitement.
“I couldn’t be more excited to announce the debut of our first film festival that celebrates the same spirit of filmmaking and high school narratives upon which our company was founded,” stated Garelick. “Axelle has brilliantly conceptualized the festival from the ground up. She is one of the most professional, creative and gifted producers I’ve worked with, and has an immaculate sense of the content the younger generation is seeking.”
After submissions open for filmmakers Feb. 23, the early deadline falls on March 1. The regular deadline is March 28 and the extended deadline is April 25. The notification date is June 15. More information is available on American High’s website.