The Oscars show producer Will Packer has announced key production team members for the 94th Academy Awards, which are set to air live on ABC March 27. In addition, for the first time, a new culinary partner, Ghetto Gastro, will collaborate with longtime chef Wolfgang Puck on the Governors Ball menu.
Puck and his Wolfgang Puck Catering will again create the menu for this year’s Governors Ball taking place after the telecast, this year with Bronx-based Ghetto Gastro contributing additional menu items. Ghetto Gastro blends influences from the African diaspora, global South ingredients and hip-hop, according to the Academy.
“This is a first-of-its-kind collaboration that breaks boundaries and brings a new flavor to the Oscars Governors Ball,” said Packer. “The Ghetto Gastro Collective, Wolfgang Puck and Academy teams embraced this dope alliance, which is all about uniting people in a true celebration of film and food.”
Meanwhile, Rob Paine will return as supervising producer of the show. Paine, who has been associated with the Oscars telecast for over 20 years, has over 200 credits — including Super Bowl Halftime Shows, political conventions and comedy specials. Production designer and creative director David Korins will also return to the Oscars this year. Korins, who was also the ceremony’s designer in 2019, holds a range of both television and Broadway credits — such as “Hamilton,” “Dear Evan Hansen” and “Grease: Live!”
In addition, the 94th Academy Awards will mark lighting designer Robert Dickinson’s 33rd Oscars show. Dickinson’s other awards experience includes The Grammys, Tonys and Golden Globes. Talent producer Taryn Hurd, who has also served as talent producer on the past six Governors Awards ceremonies, will rejoin the Oscars for the ninth consecutive year.
Joining the Oscars production team is music director Adam Blackstone. Over his career, Blackstone has held music directing positions for multiple Super Bowl Halftime Shows and a range of prominent artists — such as Justin Timberlake, Rihanna, Janet Jackson, Eminem and Alicia Keys.
Jon Macks will serve as head writer this year — returning for his 25th Oscars telecast. Over Macks’ time with the Academy Awards, he has served as head writer or co-head writer for hosts Chris Rock, Billy Crystal, Steve Martin and Hugh Jackman.
Dave Boone, Dana Eagle, Mitch Marchand, Suli McCullough, Agathe Panaretos, Danielle Schneider and Chuck Sklar will also join the writing team. Boone, who served as head writer for Neil Patrick Harris on the 87th Oscars, will be returning for his 12th telecast.