“Pretty Little Liars” star Lucy Hale is set to reunite with “The Hating Game” director Peter Hutchings for romantic comedy “Which Brings Me to You.”
The film is an adaptation of Julianna Baggott and Steve Almond’s novel about a journalist and a photographer who, instead of a one-night stand, spend 24 hours sharing their romantic histories in the coat room at a friend’s wedding.
Hutchings will direct from a screenplay by Keith Bunin (“Onward”) with the film set to shoot this summer.
Hale will play Jane, a journalist, who finds herself ready to hook up with photographer Will during a wedding. But instead of doing the deed, “they share stories of their most embarrassing sexual encounters, first loves, heartbreak and whirlwind romances, discovering each other through heartwarming, hilarious and sometimes tragic tales,” reads the logline. “Can they let go of their pasts, overcome their fears and place their trust in one another, in the hope of finding something truly special?”
Hale previously starred in “The Hating Game,” which Hutchings also directed.
Claude Dal Farra and Brian Keady of BCDF Pictures will produce the pic while Hale exec produces. Mister Smith Entertainment are repping worldwide rights and will launch sales at Cannes.
“We are excited to be working again with Peter and Lucy on what will be a fun and moving adaptation of Steve Almond and Julianna Baggott’s wonderful novel,” Dal Farra said.
Mister Smith Entertainment’s David Garrett added: “I couldn’t be more thrilled to be working again with Claude, Lucy and Peter on another fantastic romcom, after the huge success of ‘The Hating Game.’ Lucy Hale has proven herself to be an emerging global star.”
Hale is repped by ICM Partners and Reel Talent Management. Hutchings is repped by Lit Entertainment Group.