Skadoosh. DreamWorks Animation and Netflix have released the first trailer for “Kung Fu Panda: The Dragon Knight,” an upcoming series adapted from the popular series of films starring Jack Black as the voice of the eponymous martial arts master bear.
The trailer showcases Black’s Po as he begins another journey across China, this time teaming up with the Wandering Blade (voiced by Rita Ora) to take on a pair of mischievous weasels named Klaus and Veruca (voiced by Chris Geere and Della Saba, respectively) who want to destroy the world by collecting a quartet of ancient artifacts with magical powers. James Hong also reprises his voice role as Mr. Ping, a noodle-cooking goose who is Po’s adoptive father, after appearing in all three “Kung Fu Panda” movies — this time around, Ping looks to be getting in on the action.
“I could save China!” Black’s Po exclaims. “That would be the perfect way for me to reclaim my title.”
The trailer caps off with the reveal of the series’ release date of July 14.
Black, Peter Hastings and Shaunt Nigoghossian serve as executive producers on “Kung Fu Panda: The Dragon Knight,” with Chris Amick and Ben Mekler co-executive producing.
“The Dragon Knight” marks Black’s first time back as Po since the 2016 film “Kung Fu Panda 3.” He previously voiced the character in the first two films in the franchise, which were released in 2008 and 2011 respectively. In total, the trilogy of animated features have grossed over $1.8 billion at the global box office.
Watch the full trailer below: