This Friday, HBO will air the final episode of Nathan Fielder’s hotly debated, endlessly analyzed new series “The Rehearsal,” and audiences are eager to get some answers. Where will Fielder fall on the chart of chaotic good versus evil? Is Angela an actor? Are we in on the joke or is the joke on us? And most important: What are we all supposed to do when it’s over?
Fortunately, Fielder has spent the last decade using his singular voice to provide a wide array of comedic brilliance. While it would be easy to just make a list of the best moments from his Comedy Central series “Nathan for You,” we’ve scoured the Internet to include bits from his entire oeuvre, starting with his early work on YouTube and the Canadian series that gave him his start, to the HBO series “How to With John Wilson,” which he executive produces. This means some of his most beloved ventures, from his gas station rebate trek to the creation of his Summit Ice clothing brand, have to come in at honorable mention. The good news is that all of Fielder’s shows are available to stream.