HBO has released the first footage of “The Last of Us,” the network’s upcoming series adaptation of the popular video game franchise of the same name. Although brief, the teaser provides audiences a first look at Pedro Pascal and Bella Ramsey in action as post-apocalyptic survivors Joel and Ellie, respectively.
“Everybody I’ve cared for has either died or left me,” Ellie says spitefully in the teaser.
“You have no idea what loss is,” Joel coldly responds.
The footage showcases Joel and Ellie navigating a snowy bridge, investigating a dangerous looking fungus, fiddling with a sideview mirror and generally doing their best to survive a pretty bleak situation. Viewers also get a first look at Nick Offerman as Bill, a character that forms an uneasy alliance with Joel and Ellie in the original video game.
“The Last of Us” teaser serves as a surprise stinger for a larger sizzle reel released by HBO Max on Sunday afternoon. The video cuts between footage of returning series like “Succession,” “His Dark Materials,” “Los Espookys” and “Avenue 5” as well as new looks at the new season of “The White Lotus” and the Weeknd’s series “The Idol.” “The Last of Us” serves as the last show introduced in the video.
“The Last of Us” is co-created and co-executive produced by Craig Mazin and Neil Druckmann, co-president of Naughty Dog, the video game studio behind the original series. Carolyn Strauss, Evan Wells, Asad Qizilbash, Carter Swan and Rose Lam are also executive producers. The series is a co-production with Sony Pictures Television. PlayStation Productions, Word Games, The Mighty Mint and Naughty Dog produce.
Watch the trailer below.