“Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery” marks a reunion between Daniel Craig and Dave Bautista, who first starred together in the 2015 James Bond tentpole “Spectre.” Craig, of course, was front and center in the film as 007, while Bautista had a supporting role as Mr. Hinx, Spectre’s top assassin. Now that Bautista has starred in two Craig-led franchise films, he can confidently say that Craig is a far better time when he’s not James Bond.
“He was really put through it on Bond,” Bautista told Entertainment Weekly. “You could feel that he was under a lot of pressure. He didn’t seem like the happiest person on Bond, but on ‘Glass Onion,’ it was the complete opposite. He was just so much fun, and he was always smiling and happy and interacted a lot more.”
“On ‘Spectre,’ there wasn’t a whole lot of interaction with the whole cast,” Bautista continued. “But ‘Glass Onion’ was the complete opposite. We were always together. So I got to know him better as a person and actually see him do his thing.”
Bautista called it “a really weird thing” watch Craig transform from being James Bond to his “Knives Out” detective Benoit Blanc, adding, “It’s amazing because I’m always in awe of people who can transform themselves like that. This is why I wanted to be an actor, because I wanted to be that guy. As odd as it sounds — because I look like a fucking gorilla — I wanted to be a chameleon.”
In “Spectre,” Craig and Bautista engaged in a memorable fist fight that ended up with both actors injured. Craig said during a visit on “The Graham Norton Show” last year while promoting his final 007 movie, “No Time to Die,” that he broke Bautista’s nose while filming the fight.
“I threw a punch and hit him on the nose,” Craig said. “I heard this crack and I was like ‘Oh God no’ and ran away. I thought he was going to come after me, but he was so sweet.”
During another take, Bautista picked up Craig and threw him against the wall and injured Craig’s knee. As the Bond actor said, “I ended up on the wall, but my knee was over here somewhere. I knew and it was horrible because if anyone’s had a serious injury, you just know in your head that something is really wrong.”
“Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery” will open in theaters for one week only starting Nov. 23. The sequel arrives Dec. 23 on Netflix. “Spectre,” meanwhile, is now streaming on Amazon Prime Video.