Tiffany Haddish
Mixed Signals
Katt Beef Squashed, But What About Kevin?
9/22/2018 6:58 AM PDT
Tiffany Haddish may have nodded her head in agreement Friday as Kevin Hart railed on Katt Williams, but she says that doesn’t mean she’s co-signing on Kevin’s message.
We got Tiffany Friday as she arrived at LAX, and posed the old adage, “Living well is the best revenge.” The point — rather than firing back at Katt for his pretty disgraceful attack, just live your life to the fullest.
Tiffany restates her party line — that there’s no beef.
As you probably know, Tiffany sat next to Kevin Hart on The Breakfast Club and seemed to nod in agreement as Kevin tore Katt apart, saying it was rank jealously that triggered Katt’s hateful comments.
It’s a smart play … she stays above the fray as Kevin says what pretty much everyone is thinking.