Released on Wednesday, American action thriller, ‘Venom’ topped the South Korean box office. The Sony release showed on some 1,300 screens nationwide and earned $16.4 million from 2.08 million admissions over five days.
Another Oct. 3 opener, South Korean crime drama “Dark Figure of Crime” landed in second. The Showbox release earned $12.6 million between Wednesday and Sunday. Based on real events, “Dark Figure” sees the story of a police detective and a killer, who confesses to multiple murders. The two films together accounted for 82% of total weekend box office.
Korean historical action drama, “The Great Battle” slipped to third from the previous week’s top spot, with a week-on-week drop of 72%. The Next Entertainment World release earned $1.8 million between Friday and Sunday for a total of $38.8 million after three weekends on release.
Disney’s “Christopher Robin” debuted on Wednesday and landed in fourth. The live-action adventure drama earned $1.73 million between Wednesday and Sunday.
CJ Entertainment’s “The Negotiation” incurred a painful week-on-week drop of 89%, and took fifth place. The crime drama earned $333,000 between Friday and Sunday for a three-weekend total of $14.8 million.