Entertainment One’s VR subsidiary Secret Location launched its latest VR production “The Great C” on Oculus Rift and HTC Vive Tuesday. “The Great C,” a 37-minute animated adaptation of a Philip K. Dick short story by the same name, is selling for $5.99 on the Oculus Store, Viveport and Steam, and will be available on Playstation VR soon.
“The Great C” is the story of a young couple that grew up in a post-apocalyptic world ruled by a nefarious supercomputer that regularly demands human sacrifices. When the male partner is chosen to be sacrificed next, the couple embarks on a journey that introduces us to their world, and makes them wonder whether they can escape their fate.
The story is being told as a cinematic adventure, with lots of camera movements that VR producers typically shy away from. “We’re kind of of the mind that those rules aren’t really set yet,” said the film’s producer Luke Van Osch during a recent interview with Variety.
The studio tapped Tom Holkenborg aka Junkie XL to produce the soundtrack for “The Great C.” “I’m always looking for new technological advancements or mediums to experiment with in my composition work and ‘The Great C’ was a unique project to explore VR, a really exciting new space with huge cinematic potential,” said Holkenborg in a recent statement. “I love being at the cutting edge and ‘The Great C’ allowed me to really push the envelope of what a film viewing and listening experience can be.”