The BBC’s hit drama series “Doctor Foster” is in line for the remake treatment in South Korea. The show follows the doctor of the title – played by Suranne Jones in the British original (pictured). She suspects her husband is having an affair, and as she investigates violence and turmoil erupt.
The show was created by Mike Bartlett. Its international appeal is underlined by sales of the finished version, which has gone into over 200 territories. There have also been local remakes in both France, for TF1, and Russia, for Rossiya 1.
In South Korea to JTBC Content Hub has snagged the scripted format rights. The country has a history of licensing BBC formats for local remakes. Previous examples include cop series “Luther,” relationship drama “Mistresses,” and time-travel detective show “Life on Mars.”
They were all licensed by BBC Studios, which also did the “Doctor Foster” deal. “This remake continues the trend in growth for scripted formats, proving that original storytelling and compelling scripts translate across the globe,” said Sumi Connock, creative director for formats at BBC Studios.
Park, Joon Suh’ the CEO of JTBC Content Hub said the show had potential in South Korea because of the strong characters and relatable themes. “We can’t wait to commence work on the production,” he said. “As a top TV format export, ‘Doctor Foster’ will draw in viewers across South Korea and beyond.”