Japan’s Nippon Television Network has sold the scripted format rights to its one-hour drama series “Abandoned” to leading Thai production house JSL Global Media. The deal is the first time that a Nippon TV scripted format is being adapted in Southeast Asia. It is also the first format deal for “Abandoned.”
“Abandoned” is a touching drama seen through the eyes of children facing life in an orphanage. Only after agreeing to become a member of a new family, do the orphans learn of their given names and their pasts.
JSL began in the television business by creating programs for the Thai Army Television network, Channel 5. It later extended its service to other networks and platforms. The show’s Thai adaptation is being prepared air on LINE TV in spring 2019. It will play with a title that translates as “Tomorrow, my mother will not be here.”
The announcement was made on Tuesday at the Asia TV Forum in Singapore by Atsushi Sogo, president of international business development at Nippon TV.
“This is one of a kind project and totally different than any other series currently available in Thailand,” said JSL Producers Thiti Sutthikulphanich and Piangpaitoon Satrawaha. “We love the fact that the story not only focuses on the entertainment side, but it also reflects the issues in society.”
In addition to its position as a Japanese broadcaster, Nippon TV operates the GEM channel in SE Asia with Sony Pictures Television Networks, and is owner of Hulu Japan.