After celebrating their second wedding reception earlier this week, Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas held their third and final wedding reception on Thursday in Mumbai. The couple pulled out all the stops for their last event: Chopra sparkled in a white two-piece outfit by Abu Jani Sandeep Khosla and wore a diamond necklace, while Jonas looked handsome in a dark suit.
According to E!, the reception was held for Chopra’s Bollywood friends and colleagues, with fellow newlywed Deepika Padukone in attendance. The final reception comes after the couple tied the knot and held their first reception earlier this month.
At the couple’s second reception earlier this week, Chopra delivered a touching speech for family and friends and introduced them to Jonas. “It means so much to us that all of you came tonight,” Chopra said, per E!. “This has been an extremely special chapter in my life and I wanted my husband to meet all of the special people that have contributed to it. So thank you so much for being here, friends of my parents, my mom, who’s hosting this wonderful evening, my dad, who I know is here. Thank you so much for coming and giving us your blessings and I hope you have a wonderful time tonight, and this is my husband, Nick Jonas.”