Berlin-based Pluto Film has acquired international sales rights to Mary Jimenez and Bénédicte Liénard’s “By the Name of Tania” ahead of its world premiere in the Generation section of the Berlin Film Festival.
Set in the gold mine-gashed landscape of northern Peru, “By the Name of Tania” tells the true story of a young woman who is forced into prostitution after failing to escape the constrictions of her village.
The hybrid documentary feature mixes real eyewitness accounts and was shot with non-professional actors on the actual locations.
“‘By The Name Of Tania’ is a strong, honest and personal film. It combines a clear signature with a well-told story and authentic aesthetics,” said Pluto Film’s Daniela Chlapíková, adding that the film depicted the events and characters with realism.
“By the Name of Tania” was produced by Hanne Phlypo at Belgian outfit Clin d’Oeil Films, in co-production with Julie Freres for Dérives, as well as Katja Draaijer and Frank Hoeve for BALDR Film in the Netherlands, and Javier Packer Comyn for CBA from Belgium.
Phlypo said Pluto Film’s “focus on and experience with arthouse and cross-over films” made it a strong partner for this “daring film which constantly questions the conventional borders between fiction and reality.”