The Independent Filmmaker Project, the nonprofit based in Brooklyn that hosts the annual Gotham Awards, has named producer Jeffrey Sharp as its new executive director. He replaces Joana Vicente, who exited her longstanding post last summer to co-head the Toronto Film Festival.
“I am tremendously honored to be joining the IFP,” said Sharp, who helped make such movies as “Boys Don’t Cry” and “You Can’t Count On Me,” in a statement. “IFP has had an enormous impact on the independent film industry in New York and around the world for the past forty years. I am excited to begin working with the talented IFP team, IFP members and alumni as we continue to explore new opportunities and expand on Joana Vicente’s remarkable legacy.”
Sharp is the co-founder of the production company Story Mining and Supply Co., which produces the TV series “Outlander” for Starz.
Under Vicente’s tenure, which started in 2009, the Gotham Awards expanded from a dinner that honored the year’s best under-the-radar films to an essential first stop on the Oscars trail. A few years ago, the ceremony added acting categories, to be more competitive with the Independent Spirit Awards, landing big name talent. Recent guests include Julianne Moore (“Still Alice”) and Jared Leto (“Dallas Buyers Club”), whose early victories at the November gala help solidify their eventual Academy Awards.
The Independent Filmmaker Project also organizes year long-programs such as Independent Film Week; the Made in Media Center, an educational hub for those interested in filmmaking; and the publication of Filmmaker Magazine.