Horror movie “The Sonata,” starring Rutger Hauer and “Hemlock Grove” actress Freya Tingley, has been sold to genre-film distributors in South Korea, Japan and the Middle East.
Sales agent ARRI Media inked deals with Company L for South Korea, The Klockworx in Japan and Salim Ramia in the Middle East.
The film, directed by Andrew Desmond, centers on a young violinist who “unravels her long-lost father’s past, triggering dark forces that reach beyond her imagination,” according to ARRI Media.
It played in the official competition at Fantasporto, in Official Méliès Competition for Best European Feature at the Brussels Intl. Fantastic Film Festival, and out of competition at the Lucca Film Festival, where a Lifetime Achievement Award went to Hauer.
The film is produced by The Project Film Club and Featuristic Films.