Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is suffering the consequences of a federal court barring President Trump from blocking Twitter users who disagree with him — ’cause she just got sued.
A guy named Dov Hikind slapped AOC with the lawsuit because he says the freshman Congresswoman blocked him after they Twitter feuded over Israel and other Jewish issues.
In his suit, Dov says in light of a federal appeals court ruling in favor of a bunch of Twitter users — who said Trump infringed on their First Amendment rights when he blocked them — the same principle should apply to AOC.
He goes on to list a number of other examples of AOC blocking people, including journalists, over the course of her brief time in Congress … especially when it comes to tweets about the Green New Deal, of which she’s a strong proponent.
Dov admits he was very critical of AOC … particularly over her labeling immigration detention centers “concentration camps” … and he let her know about it “on a regular basis” on Twitter.
Nothing complicated about what he wants out of this lawsuit — he wants the court to declare AOC blocking him, and others, is unconstitutional … and wants her to unblock him. He also wants her to cover his lawyer fees.