Netflix unveiled the trailer for Martin Scorsese’s highly anticipated film “The Irishman,” an epic look at organized crime throughout history. Based on the book “I Heard You Paint Houses,” the gangster drama follows the life of WWII veteran-turned-hitman Frank Sheeran (Robert De Niro) as he remembers his relationship to close friend and labor union leader Jimmy Hoffa (Al Pacino).
“Well you know, there’s a situation going on,” Pacino’s character tells De Niro’s over footage of taxi cabs getting flipped into the river and lit on fire. “Big business and the government are trying to pull us down.”
“Whatever you need me to do, I’m available,” a much younger looking De Niro responds over the phone.
Hoffa’s mobster dealings are believed to have led to his mysterious disappearance in 1975. The notorious Teamster leader’s case remains unsolved, as he was declared dead in absentia in 1982.
“The Irishman” spans decades, so Scorsese used digital effects and makeup to make to de-age the actors. The star-studded cast, which includes a number of frequent Scorsese collaborators, also includes Joe Pesci as Russell Bufalino, Harvey Keitel, Bobby Cannavale, Anna Paquin and Ray Romano. The film boasts a whopping $160 million budget.
Earlier this week, it was announced that “The Irishman” will debut at this year’s New York Film Festival.
“The Irishman” will be released in select theaters before eventually premiering on Netflix, a topic of controversy as some major theater chains like Regal and AMC refuse to screen films also appearing on the streaming service. A specific release date for either distribution stage is still unknown.