President Trump took to Twitter early Thursday morning to slam MSNBC host Lawrence O’Donnell, who was forced to apologize and retract a report Wednesday that alleged some of Trump’s loans had Russian co-signers.
“If true, that explains every kind word Trump has ever said about Russia and Putin,” O’Donnell had tweeted.
Trump personally attacked O’Donnell on Twitter, pointing out that O’Donnell had been “forced by NBC to apologize, which he did while crying, for things he said about me & The Apprentice” in the past, in addition to O’Donnell’s Wednesday apology.
He called the claim that anyone associated with Russia had co-signed his loans “the most ridiculous claim of all” and alleged that “virtually everything else [O’Donnell], and much of the rest of the LameStream Media, has said about me for years” is “totally false.”
“ALL APOLOGIZE!” Trump demanded as a close to the rant.
In doing so, Trump is extending a days-long series of tweets aimed at media outlets. The President has used Twitter in recent days to vent his frustration not only with O’Donnell, but with Axios, Fox News Channel and several other outlets.