Lori Loughlin‘s daughter, Olivia Jade, has officially broken her silence about the college admissions scandal … and basically said she can’t talk about it.
The social media influencer posted her first YouTube vlog in a long time — about 8 months, more or less — and she titled “hi again.” Her last post was on March 10 … just a couple days before her mom and dad, Felicity Huffman and others were indicted by the feds.
OJ’s mostly been off the radar online since then — although she hasn’t shied away from going out in public at all. Now, she’s ready to talk about it — and her first words are basically … mum’s the word on the case, which is still very much pending for Lori and Mossimo.

In her video from Sunday, Olivia says … “Obviously, I’ve been gone for a really long time. And, as much as I wish I could talk about all of this … it’s really hard for me to say this, just because I know that it’s something that needs to be addressed.”
Unfortunately for all those who thought she was ready to spill the tea … no dice.
She follows up by saying she’d been pondering when to make her YouTube comeback — or whether to do it at all — knowing she’s not legally allowed to say anything about the college sitch … even though it’s obvious that’s what everyone wants to hear talk about.
At the end of the day, though, Olivia says she wanted to come back to YouTube because she’s passionate about it and missed her vlogging … not to mention her fans.
Olivia says she’s not trying to make this comeback about her and how she’s coping with the legal case — which could send her folks behind bars for a bit if they’re convicted. More than anything, she says she wants to get back to normal and move on with her life.
BTW, Olivia and her sister, Isabella, are no longer enrolled at USC … the school her parents are accused of getting them into under false pretenses, with alleged bribes of up to $500k.