“Blast,” a high-concept thriller produced and represented in international markets by Paris-based company Wide, has sold to several territories at the EFM in Berlin.
Vanya Peirani-Vignes’ feature debut, “Blast” takes place Parisian parking lot where Sonia finds herself trapped in her car with her son while her boyfriend’s daughter has been left outside to deal with anti-tank mine that has been set under the car. The film, now in post, is headlined by Nora Arnezeder, Pierre Kiwitt and Sara Mortensen.
Wide has just sold the film to Japan (New Select) and Latin America (Great Movies). “Blast” also recently sold to Spain (Mediaset) and China (Star Alliance).
“As a producer, I am very happy to work with New Select, who’s a long-term partner and who’s working on films with a real vision of marketing, providing films with a real visibility,” said Wide’s founder Loic Magneron.
“Shoko (Otsuyama O’Connell, the CEO of New Select) has always had a great confidence on Wide and she is supporting me on this production, providing it with a real plus value and confirming the longevity of our personal and professional relationship,” added Magneron.
The film was lensed by Cesar Award-winning French cinematographer Thierry Arbogast.