Nicholas Tucci, an actor who appeared in shows like “Ramy,” “Pose” and more, died on Tuesday at the Smilow Cancer Hospital in New Haven, Conn., after battling an unspecified illness. His father shared the news on Facebook on Friday. Tucci was 38.
“Nick chose to keep his illness private so that he could continue to pursue his professional and artistic dreams for as long as possible. In the last year, he was able to audition, go on location, and continue the work he loved so much. To those of you in the film, television, and theater communities, thank you for guiding, encouraging, and supporting Nick. To those of you who enjoyed Nick’s work on the screen and stage, thank you for recognizing his talent and appreciating his efforts. To all, thank you for your gift of friendship to my son,” his father, Alexander Tucci, posted.
Tucci’s other TV credits include the Syfy horror anthology series “Channel Zero,” Netflix’s superhero show “Daredevil,” Showtime’s hit political thriller “Homeland” and ABC’s “Quantico.”
He also starred in the 2011 horror movie “You’re Next,” which follows a rich family who goes on a wedding anniversary vacation and become under attack by a group of killers. He also appeared in the 2018 thriller “Long Lost” and served as a producer.