George Gray, the announcer for “The Price Is Right,” is “recovering well” after suffering three massive heart attacks last week, his representative confirmed to Variety.
The 53-year-old was rushed to the hospital last week after having chest pains. After his first heart attack, doctors began to operate and put in a stent to restore blood flow from one of his arteries. However, the stent failed right after it was put in, and Gray had a second heart attack. A second stent was then inserted to further help his blood flow.
Gray was going for his first walk around the hospital following the procedure for the second stent, when that stent also failed. Once again, he was put on the operating table, and then he had his third massive heart attack. This one was of the left anterior descending artery, also known as the “widow maker” artery because it is almost always fatal. Luckily, doctors were already present and could save his life.
Now, Gray is currently recovering in Arizona after the close call.
“He is recovering well, considering his brush with death this week. I was able to speak to him for about 20 minutes this morning, and he is in good spirits after the scare of his life. He is currently resting and focusing on recovery,” Phil Viardo, his representative, told Variety.
Gray believes genetic factors caused the three heart attacks. He says he is in good shape, has low cholesterol levels and has never touched drugs or cigarettes.
According to Viardo, Gray “wants this to be a lesson to people everywhere that heart health is important to monitor and that this can happen to a person at any age.” He also thanked his friends and fans for their outpouring of love and support.
Gray became a regular announcer on CBS’ “The Price Is Right” in 2011. Before that, he hosted the American version of “The Weakest Link,” the “$25 Million Hoax” on NBC and “I’d Do Anything” on ESPN.